Library and Information Center 2021
We have established a library and information center at Field Operation Office in Rasalpur, Ekchari Village, Bhagalpur District, Bihar. It will provide opportunity to rural population and students, ensuring freedom and equal access to information and knowledge to educate and enlighten them. It is helping rural community to break stereotype, what they should learning.
Rural India is witnessing huge surge of smart phone users in near past. Training related to life skills and soft skills will be given by Information center using the technology to maximize reach and opportunity in remote places.
e-Kishan Gosthi 2021
We are going to connect farmers with Agriculture Scientist every month through online so that farmer can get knowledge and information about modern Agriculture concepts and solve their problems directly asking them.

Rural Quiz Competition 2021
The winners of Rural Future Quiz-2021 were awarded by Rural Future Foundation on 25 November 2021 at Village Library. The top three toppers of three groups (Class 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12) were given certificates along with prize money. Certificate was given with first prize 500/ second prize 200/ and third prize 100/. Apart from this, certificates were given to eleven candidates.
All the candidates were rewarded by Shri Amit Ranjan Jha and the program was conducted by the Field Household Coordinator of the organization, Anuj Patel. Total 300 students from 10 villages participated in this quiz.
National Youth Day 2022
On the occasion of National Youth Day, Rural Future Foundation organized an awareness and story reading program for rural students at Village Library and Information Center, Rasalpur, Ekchari on Wednesday. Field Coordinator Anuj Kumar discussed the thoughts of Swami Vivekananda among the students and talked about the participation of youth in the future of the nation. Most of the youth in today’s India live in rural areas and they need quality education to take the country forward.
On the lines of Padhe Bharat Abhiyan by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, the institution launched a library reading campaign for rural children. According to the Ministry of Education, https://storyweaver.org.in/ used to read stories to children.
International Women’s Day 2022
On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2022, a program on quality education and health of rural girl was organized by Rural Future Foundation. On this occasion, a seminar was organized for every girl child on the possibility of changing their lives through quality education especially for girls in rural areas so that they can build their life specially. A speech competition was also organized among the rural girls on this occasion.In this competition, Priyadarshini Kumari got first, Ashita Kumari got second and Khushi Kumari got third place.
On this occasion, Field Coordinator, Rural Future Foundation, Anuj Kumar told about the organization providing free education to rural students. Rural Future Foundation provides free education in English, Maths and Science subjects through online to rural students of class VII to X. On this occasion, Asha Didi Namita Devi of Ekchari Bazaar informed the adolescent girls on the issue of health.

Earth Day 2022
A series of plantation drives were held in rural Bihar by the Rural Future Foundation (RFF) and Earthday-India on the occasion of Earth Day, which is observed every year on April 22. Prof. Dr. Debajyoti Mukherjee, Social Entrepreneur and TedX Speaker along with other dignitaries planted sapling in Rural Middle School, Ekchari followed by plantation drive at many places. Local public in large numbers were present on the occasion. Highlighting the importance of World Earth Day, Prof. Mukherjee emphasized the significance of understanding the “value, importance and contribution of the plants in balancing the life cycle on earth.” Mr. Anuj Kumar from Rural Future Foundation added that it signifies that the water , air , medicines and shelter, we have come from plants only hence there is need to maximum plantation and build a healthy planet because a green future is a prosperous future. Such kind of plantation drive is being implemented for the first time in South Bihar in Ekchari Village of Bhagalpur district and shall be gradually extended to other rural part as well. He said extending the green cover for rural area shall be taken in mission mode by RFF.Mothers Day 2022
On the occasion of Mother’s Day 2022 it has been celebrated by Rural Future Foundation, mothers took a pledge to save Mother Earth and planted saplings in the courtyard of Middle School Rampur Kharhara, Ekchari. So that the environment can be protected and their children can get pure environment and healthy life.

Online e- Classes 2022
The disruption of education caused by Covid-19 has adversely impacted rural student due to lack of digital device & infrastructure. Education in rural India is a catalyst to improve the economic and social well-being of the nation. A report, had stated that Bihar had the highest tally of students, with no access to digital devices across the country.
Therefore, it’s extremely important to bridge the learning gap and also make them understand concepts easily. We are doing it with the help of laptop at our rural library and information centre in remote Bihar so that volunteer can teach rural student from anywhere to provide equal access of knowledge to rural students.

World No Tobacco Day 2022
On May 31, ‘World No Tobacco Day 2022’ was celebrated in village Ekchari. The purpose of which is to make people aware and aware about the dangers of tobacco. So that they save themselves from it as well as prevent other people from it as well. On this occasion, Mr. Anuj Kumar of Rural Future Foundation, under the awareness program among rural students, told the students that how tobacco use is harmful to the body and advised not to use. A large number of students and students were present on this occasion.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed new information on this year’s ‘World No Tobacco Day’, taking steps to make the industry more accountable for the extent to which tobacco harms both the environment and human health. Every year the tobacco industry costs more than 8 million human lives in the world, consumes 600 million trees, 2 million hectares of land, 22 billion liters of water and 80 million tons of CO2.

Prevalence, Awareness and Control of Hypertension:
It has been established through various research that prevalence of hypertension in rural area is growing many fold and raised BP is the number one cause of preventable death worldwide.
Rural Future Foundation has emphasized the importance of BP measurement to diagnose hypertension on time in individuals, as in rural area significant number of population never checked their BP. We are conducting BP screening camp at our Field Operation Office in Ekchari Village for BP measurement and awareness on regular intervals. This initiative will not only help to increase public awareness, but also to collect the scientific evidence needed to help influence health policy. We have plan to include other non-communicable disease in near future and expand the reach.

International Yoga Day 2022:
On the occasion of International Yoga Day 2022, Yoga programs were organized by Rural Future Foundation at various places in Ekchari, Bhagalpur, in which more than 200 rural students did yoga. The 8th International Day of Yoga was celebrated with the theme ‘Yoga for Humanity’.
Mr. Anuj Kumar, Field Coordinator, Rural Future Foundation, who is also a Certified Yoga Trainer, made rural students aware of the theme of this year’s theme. A large number of rural students did yoga during the Yoga Festival which started at 7:00 am. Information related to yoga was also given at this festival. At the same time, many yoga postures were also done.

Independence Day 2022:
On the occasion of Independence Day 2022, cultural programs were organized by Rural Future Foundation in Ekchari, Bhagalpur, in which more than 200 rural people participated.
A drawing and dance competition was organized and given award to local sport champion.

Gandhi Jyanti 2022:
On the occasion of Gandhi Jyanti 2022 on 2nd October, A speech program was organized by the children about Gandhi’s favorite hymns and some of his main movements for the rural students at Village Library and Information Center, Rasalpur, Ekchari. On this occasion, Field Coordinator, Rural Future Foundation, Anuj Kumar discussed the compassion of Mahatma Gandhi, his role in the independence of the nation and Bapu’s thoughts among the students and awakened the youth to take inspiration in the coming times. Children were rewarded for giving excellent speech.
The rural children discussed about Gandhiji’s amazing leadership ability. Influenced by Gandhiji, people continued to join the freedom struggle. He gave edge to the freedom movement with his influential personality and ideas. Gandhiji was also strongly opposed to the evils spread in the society like untouchability, alcoholism, caste discrimination, inequality, discrimination against women.

Rural Quiz 2022:
The second Rural Quiz Examination-2022 was organized by Rural Future Foundation today on 06-11-2022 in High School Ekchari in which 270 students participated. The winners of both categories will be declared the results of the examination on 17-12-2022 and will be rewarded.
Students from eleven nearby villages participated in this competition. Anuj Kumar of Rural Future Foundation said that this type of competitive exam is a different kind of experience for the students of the village and plays an important role in preparing for the examinations to be conducted in the future and such an event is organized by the students of the village. It is very important for the all round development of

Second Foundation Day & Rural Future Quiz 2022 Result
On 23rd Dec 2022, The second foundation day was celebrated by Rural Future Foundation in Ekchari. On this occasion, Computer Education Centre was inaugurated in the rural library. This centre will work for rural and backward children and youth to learn computer.
The winners of Rural Future Quiz 2022 were also awarded on this occasion. Dr. Manoj Meeta, Disha Gramin Vikas Manch, Mr. Manohar Kumar, Zila Parishad member, Mr. Uday, Paridhi Sanstha, Mr. Manjar Alam, Alternative Morcha member kept their views on village and education.

International Day of Education 2023
On occasion of International Day of Education by UNESCO, we have started Computer Literacy program for underprivileged rural students of Bihar at our Rural Library and information center with the support from Computer Shiksha. Under the theme “to invest in people, prioritize education”, we are committed to provide modern education to underserved and marginalized rural students.

Play Based Learning Initiative- Feb 2023
Children have a real understanding only of that which they do themselves in early childhood.
Therefore, we have started Play-Based learning at our Rural center.

International Women’s Day 2023
To celebrate Women’s Day 2023, RFF conducted quiz competition for rural girls to develop them for future competitive examinations and generate interest in higher education

Earth Day 2023
Investing in our planet is the best way and to pave the path towards a prosperous future.
On the occasion of Earth Day 2023, Rural Future Foundation conducted a series of plantation drives in Bhagalpur, Bihar around rural campus. Mr. Anuj Kumar from Rural Future Foundation shown commitment for extending the green cover for rural area will be done in mission mode by RFF.

World No Tobacco Day 2023
On the occasion of ‘World No Tobacco Day 2023’ on May 31, Rural Future Foundation organized an awareness program among school children in Middle School Rasalpur, Bihar. The purpose was to aware the students and common people about the dangers of tobacco. So that they can save themselves from this and also not let other people use it. On this occasion, a program of awareness speech was also organized by the children, so that these children can work on tobacco prohibition through their role in the society and a sense of leadership arises in them.

International Yoga Day 2023
On the occasion of International Yoga Day 2023, Yoga programs were organized by Rural Future Foundation at Ekchari, Bhagalpur, Bihar in which rural students performed yoga. The theme of the 9th International Yoga Day is Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

Plastic Free July 2023
On the occasion of Plastic Free July 2023 campaign, we started School Based Awareness Campaign in rural settings to reduce use of plastic, indoor/outdoor air pollution and waste management for better environment. We strongly believe that young generation understand the impact of pollution and they can make big change to save our planet. Mr. Anuj Kumar, Field coordinator, Rural Future Foundation organized this awareness program in Ekchari , Bhagalpur with the students to reinforce the messages for better environment.

Certificate ceremony of first batch of Computer Education 2023
First batch of Computer Education has successfully completed the Basic Computer Course (Paint, Word, Power Point, Excel). Certificates were awarded to all the students by our Area Coordinator Mr. Anuj Patel at our Rural Library & Information Center, Ekchari, Bhagalpur. We believe that computer education is of utmost importance in today’s world and we are committed to provide free computer education to rural students

Independence Day 2023
Rural Future Foundation celebrated the 77th Independence Day of India in Rural Library & Information center, Ekchari, Bhagalpur. Field Coordinator, Mr. Anuj Kumar has unfurled national flag and delivered his speech.

Hindi Day 2023
Rural Future Foundation organized Hindi Day program in Rasalpur Ekachari. Mr. Anuj Kumar of the organization told about Hindi Day to the school students on the occasion of Hindi Day. During this he explained the importance of Hindi language. Seeing the importance of Hindi during the freedom movement and after independence, the makers of the Constitution had accepted Hindi as the national language of the country on 14 September 1949. Shri Anuj Kumar said that the original and creative expression of the country can be truly expressed only in its national language.

Global Handwashing Day 2023
Global Handwashing Day 2023 was celebrated by Rural Future Foundation in village Ekachari, Bhagalpur on 15th October 2023. It was explained why it is important to wash hands with soap and clean water. This is a very good hygiene habit. On this occasion, villagers were told about the health benefits of hand washing and questions were also asked and soap was distributed as a reward. Anuj Kumar of Rural Future Foundation made everyone take a pledge to wash hands.

Rural Quiz 2023
Rural Future foundation conducted third rural quiz competition on 29th October 2023 at Ekchari. Around 200 Students attended this quiz competition from 10 villages in periphery of our implementation area. The purpose of such kind activities is to prepare the students of rural area to participate in such kind of competitive exam in their future education and build their confidence.

Awareness Camapign On Environment 2023
Rural Future Foundation conducted an awareness session among the school students to reduce the use of single use plastic, house waste management and disposal, air pollution in Ekchari, Bhaglpur on 1st Nov 2023. Rural students also pledged to reduce plastic pollution. Pollution due to single use plastic items has become an important environmental challenge confronting everywhere on this planet.

Rural Quiz 2023 Prize Distribution Ceremony
A prize distribution ceremony was organized on 7th December 2023 at RFF Gram Pustakalay center for both groups i.e. Group A ( Class 9-10), Group B ( Class 6,7 & 10)
The winners of Rural Future Quiz 2023 were honored and given prizes by Mr. Niranjan Kumar, Ward Member Ekachari and Mr. Anuj Kumar, Rural Future Foundation. About 200 children from 10 villages participated in this competition. This kind of competition will inspire competition among rural children. This type of quiz is organized every year by the organization.