The Future depends on what you do today

Mahatma Gandhi


Rural Future Foundation (RFF) began in 2020 with the single-minded focus of empowering Rural India. COVID19 pandemic has affected lives and livelihoods across all segment but rural population has been severely affected. The pandemic has triggered a massive reverse migration from the urban to rural areas in large parts of the country. Many migrant families who trekked home under the most difficult circumstances would have both short and long-run effect. India has witnessed globalization, information technology and data technology revolution in last three decades but rural population didn’t get much benefit of these revolution.

India is poised to become the world’s youngest country by 2020. Rural population will be central to sustainable development and a powerful instrument to reduce poverty
and inequality as India is reported 65.53 % rural population in 2019, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators.

                                                       Biennial report Dec 2020-2022

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